Signs That You Should Avoid a Bail Bond Company

Signs That You Should Avoid a Bail Bond Company

California’s bail bond industry is just like any other. There are really good companies, and there are companies you’ll regret working with. The good news is that we are familiar with the traits the less desirable bail bond companies possess and are happy to share the information with you so that you don’t make a mistake while trying to secure a bail bond for yourself or for a recently arrested loved one.

A Lack of a Verifiable Address

Honestly, if you can’t pinpoint a bail bond office on Google Maps, you should move on. The lack of address is a major red flag. When a bail bond agency doesn’t offer anything other than a cell phone, virtual address and email, it means that they probably aren’t the real deal. The only thing you’ll do by working with them is land yourself directly in the middle of a scam. The experience will cost you money, your loved one will spend even more time in jail, and you’ll lose faith in your ability to know which bail bond agencies you can trust and which are merely con jobs.

They Won’t Tell You How Much They Charge

The unwillingness to discuss rates with you generally indicates that you’re about to be conned out of a great deal of money. You should also be suspicious if the agency tells you that their rates are anything other than 10% of the actual amount of the bail bond owed. The industry standard is 10% of the bail bond. More or less, unless it’s a verifiable discount, it is a sure sign that you need to take your business elsewhere.

They Aren’t Available 24/7

The inability to reach the bail bond business 24/7 means a few different things. It could indicate that they simply don’t have the staff needed to write bail bonds 24/7. It could also mean that they aren’t interested in doing a great deal of business.

A surprising number of arrests take place in the middle of the night. In order to get the ball rolling on a bail bond, you need to be able to contact them in the middle of the night. The other advantage connected to using a bail bond agency that’s open 24/7 is that any time you have any questions or concerns about the conditions connected to your bail, you can call the office and get answers. This drastically reduces the chances of you doing something that will get your bail revoked.

Bay Point Bail Bonds has been serving California for several decades. Not only do we have a strong understanding of the bail bond process, but we also have a reputation for providing top-quality customer service. We’re open 24/7 and offer free consultations.

Our services also include:

With us on your side, you can rest easy knowing that you’re in good hands. Our bail agents are always available and ready to help you. Call us anytime to learn more.

You can reach Bay Point Bail Bonds at 925-228-5858 or Talk To An Agent Now to chat to learn more.