Category Archives: Danville Bail Bonds

What Can You Do If There Is a Warrant Out for Your Arrest?

What Can You Do If There Is a Warrant Out for Your Arrest?

Finding out that there is a warrant out for your arrest is an earth-shattering revelation. Most of us don’t have the first idea about what we should do in this particular situation. What You Shouldn’t Do The mistake that many people make is ignoring the situation and trying to go through life as if a […]

Understanding the New Flocking Trend

Understanding the New Flocking Trend

Burglaries are a problem in California. In 2021, California property crimes increased by 2.4% from 2020. According to the Public Policy Institute of California, 16% of the reported property crimes in California were burglaries. Traditionally, burglaries are committed by one, sometimes two people, who are simply hoping to make some money, but over the past […]

What is a Corporal Injury?

What is a Corporal Injury?

Corporal injury is a term that we often hear in press releases and media stories. Most of us hear the term and assume that it means something serious happens, but when we stop and really think about it, few of us can actually say what a corporal injury really is. Corporal injuries really are as […]

What is Compounding a Crime in California?

What is Compounding a Crime in California?

You aren’t allowed to compound a crime in California. If you’re caught doing so, the legal ramifications will be severe. Compounding a crime is the act of taking something of value, such as money, for the specific purpose of hiding a crime from the police. Examples of this include taking money in exchange for hiding […]

Common Credit Card Scams

Common Credit Card Scams

When most of us think about credit card scams, we automatically assume they involve numbers being stolen or that someone used our identity to take out a credit card in our name. The truth is that there are many different types of credit card scams we need to be aware of. Phishing Scams Phishing scams […]

California Speeding Laws

California Speeding Laws

We pack an enormous amount of life into every single day. While this keeps us busy and happy, it also means that we are constantly in a hurry, which often leads to speeding while we’re behind the wheel. No matter how big a hurry you’re in the next time you slide into your car, take […]

Jaywalking is Legal Again

Jaywalking is Legal Again

Did you know that you can legally jaywalk in California? That’s right; you’re free to cross the road whenever you feel like it, even if you’re not in a crosswalk. You can even do so right in front of a police officer, and they won’t be able to stop you or issue a ticket. How […]

The Danger of Fentanyl

The Danger of Fentanyl

When fentanyl was first starting to generate some media attention, the synthetic opioid was a good thing. It was a popular and extremely effective method to treat extreme pain. Doctors commonly prescribed it post-surgery, and patients with advanced cancer often used it to help control their pain. When used in a medical setting and under […]

Vaping in California

Vaping in California

These days you are almost more likely to see someone vaping than to spot a traditional cigarette smoker. Many of the younger generation have turned to vapes and e-cigs as opposed to traditional cigarettes. There are a few concrete reasons why vaping continues to become a more popular alternative: There is less odor connected to […]

Consequences of Shoplifting in California

Consequences of Shoplifting in California

A surprising number of people have shoplifted during their lifetime. It’s especially common with young children who will often take something from candy racks. Teenagers will also sometimes shoplift because they were dared by their friends or because they are simply looking for a way to rebel. The problem with shoplifting is that it is […]

Selling A Used Car In California

Selling A Used Car In California

At some point in our lives, most of us have been in a position of either buying a second-hand car or selling one. If you currently have a secondhand car that you’re getting ready to sell, you should know that California does have some laws that could impact the sale. It is in your best […]

Rules To Remember When Renting In California

Rules To Remember When Renting In California

If you find yourself in a position where you’re going to be renting your living space for the foreseeable future, it’s in your best interest to familiarize yourself with California’s laws regarding renting. In addition to checking out the state laws, make sure you explore the local laws since they can change from one zip […]

What Is Negligence In California?

What Is Negligence In California?

For the most part, you only hear the word negligence used in civil court cases where the plaintiff is trying to convince a judge that had the defendant not been negligent in some way, the accident could have been avoided. While most negligence cases go through California’s civil courts, there are some cases of criminal […]

How Do Statutes Of Limitations Work In California?

How Do Statutes Of Limitations Work In California?

Investopedia defines statute of limitation as: “a law that sets the maximum amount of time that parties involved in a dispute have to initiate legal proceedings from the date of an alleged offense, whether civil or criminal. The length of time the statute allows for a victim to bring legal action against the suspected wrong-doer […]

What Is Sober Living In California?

What Is Sober Living In California?

When most people hear the term sober living, they assume that it refers to a person who has decided to completely abstain from alcohol and drugs. The truth is that sober living is actually a program that’s designed to help addicts start the long road to recovery. Sober living in California involves an addict moving […]

What Happens If You Do Not Show Up For Jury Duty?

What Happens If You Do Not Show Up For Jury Duty?

Our justice system depends heavily on jury duty. If you are contacted about jury duty, you’re expected to attend and uphold your civic responsibilities. First, it is important to understand that even though you have been contacted about jury duty and are expected to serve, there are some exceptions. The court will excuse you for […]

Who Is Liable When You’re Injured In A Slip-And-Fall Accident?

Who Is Liable When You're Injured In A Slip-And-Fall Accident?

Slip-and-fall accidents happen. While they are sometimes the result of simple clumsiness on your part, in most cases, a slip-and-fall accident has a specific trigger. Examples of a trigger include a piece of torn carpeting that catches your toe, a piece of ice laying on a linoleum floor or someone failing to pick up a […]

What To Do When You’ve Been Involved In A Car Accident

What To Do When You’ve Been Involved In A Car Accident

Car accidents happen and even when you do everything in your power to drive defensively and avoid a collision, there could be a time when despite your best efforts you find yourself involved in an accident which is why now is the best time to learn the proper way to respond. Secure Your Car The […]

What’s In Your Kid’s Halloween Candy?

Every year, as Halloween rolls around, people begin seeing articles about how they can keep their kids safe during the holiday. One of the big topics is being sure to check kids’ Halloween candies for any tampering before allowing them to eat it. Unfortunately, there are people out there who think it’s fun or funny […]

Be Responsible This Halloween

It’s that time of the year again, and people are busily preparing for what custumes to wear this Halloween. Kids are plotting out the best route to get them as much candy as possible, while adults are figuring out which party to go to. However, something else adults should be considering, is who will be […]