Tag Archives: 0 down bail bonds contra costa

Stay Safe While Taking Advantage of Internet Dating

Stay Safe While Taking Advantage of Internet Dating

The days of going to bars hoping to find that special someone are long over. Bar hopping and awkward getting-to-meet-someone scenarios have pretty much been completely replaced by internet dating sites. There are several reasons internet dating sites are so popular, including the following: They’re considerably less expensive than going to bars and ordering drinks […]

What is Vishing?

What is Vishing?

You might not be familiar with the term, vishing, but the odds are pretty good you’ve encountered it. Vishing is a relatively new word that’s been attached to an old con. Vishing refers to is the act of someone leaving you an automated voice message that deals with something financial. Examples include: There’s a problem […]

What Can You Do If There Is a Warrant Out for Your Arrest?

What Can You Do If There Is a Warrant Out for Your Arrest?

Finding out that there is a warrant out for your arrest is an earth-shattering revelation. Most of us don’t have the first idea about what we should do in this particular situation. What You Shouldn’t Do The mistake that many people make is ignoring the situation and trying to go through life as if a […]

How to Protect Yourself from a Break-In

How to Protect Yourself from a Break-In

The tragedy of the Idaho murders back in 2022 has caused all of us to question how safe we really are. Suddenly we’re wondering if our locks, doorbell cameras and security systems will prevent us from a break-in. The good news is that there are some things you can do to make sure you’re safe […]

What is Aggravated Battery in California?

What is Aggravated Battery in California?

Aggravated battery is a term that’s often thrown around in legal circles that many of us don’t fully understand. According to California law, aggravated battery is a crime that’s committed when your actions cause another to suffer a serious injury. Examples of this include: Deliberately tripping the victim and when they hit the ground, they […]

California’s Minor in Possession Law

California’s Minor in Possession Law

Teenagers like to do things that they feel make them more adult-like. They also like to experiment with things that make them feel wild and free. This combination prompts many minors to consume alcohol long before they reach their twenty-first birthday. Like most states, California has strict minor in possession laws that deal with the […]

What is a Corporal Injury?

What is a Corporal Injury?

Corporal injury is a term that we often hear in press releases and media stories. Most of us hear the term and assume that it means something serious happens, but when we stop and really think about it, few of us can actually say what a corporal injury really is. Corporal injuries really are as […]

Will My California DUI Prevent Me From Owning a Firearm?

Will My California DUI Prevent Me From Owning a Firearm?

DUIs, especially a DUI that doesn’t involve anyone getting hurt or a significant amount of property damage, generally are not considered a felony. That means that if you’ve been convicted of driving while under the influence of either drugs or alcohol and are only convicted of a DUI and not any additional felony-level drug charges, […]

Riding Your Bike While Under the Influence in California

Riding Your Bike While Under the Influence in California

The rising fuel costs are causing many of us to take a second look at our bikes. Now they not only seem like a pleasant way to stay in shape but also a viable way to ease transportation costs. Not only can you use your bike to get from your home to your workplace, but […]

Gross Vehicular Manslaughter in California

Gross Vehicular Manslaughter in California

Haven’t heard of gross vehicular manslaughter before? You’re not alone. Many people don’t know that this particular California crime exists until they’ve been charged with it. Everyone knows that driving is dangerous. All it takes is one moment of inattention for a potentially fatal accident to occur. In most cases, the accident is just that. […]

Common Credit Card Scams

Common Credit Card Scams

When most of us think about credit card scams, we automatically assume they involve numbers being stolen or that someone used our identity to take out a credit card in our name. The truth is that there are many different types of credit card scams we need to be aware of. Phishing Scams Phishing scams […]

The Danger of Fentanyl

The Danger of Fentanyl

When fentanyl was first starting to generate some media attention, the synthetic opioid was a good thing. It was a popular and extremely effective method to treat extreme pain. Doctors commonly prescribed it post-surgery, and patients with advanced cancer often used it to help control their pain. When used in a medical setting and under […]

Does California Have For-Profit Prisons?

Does California Have For-Profit Prisons?

Most assume that all prisons are government funded. While many are, there are also for-profit or private prisons, scattered throughout the United States. The main benefit of for-profit prisons is that they provide some relief to taxpayers. They also help generate additional jobs, especially in the for-profit prisons that operate in rural areas where jobs […]

What Happens If Your Car Fails a California Inspection

What Happens If Your Car Fails a California Inspection

You aren’t allowed to own and operate any old junker on California’s public roads. The state fully expects you to keep your car in good repair and to make sure it’s not releasing any more air pollution than necessary. California can enforce this code by insisting that all registered vehicles routinely go through a vehicle […]

Vaping in California

Vaping in California

These days you are almost more likely to see someone vaping than to spot a traditional cigarette smoker. Many of the younger generation have turned to vapes and e-cigs as opposed to traditional cigarettes. There are a few concrete reasons why vaping continues to become a more popular alternative: There is less odor connected to […]

What Fireworks Are Legal in California?

June is quickly racing by, bringing us closer and closer to one of the biggest and most important holidays of the year for the nation. There is no denying that the Fourth of July is a huge deal to everyone living in America. After all, the holiday celebrates the country’s founding. The Fourth of July […]

People May Enjoy Fireworks, but Pets Don’t

People Do What Before Getting Into Public Pools?

With the weather quickly heating up, many people are starting to pull their swimsuits out from their winter hiding spots. With California’s thousands of miles of coastline, there are plenty of places to go to the beach. However, the beach isn’t for everyone. Some people prefer to cool off without having to worry about sand […]

Be Careful Meeting People from the Internet in Real Life

Over the last few years, the internet has become an almost integral part of people’s everyday lives. Most people can’t go a day without going online for one reason or another. The internet has allowed people to do a whole lot without ever leaving their homes, such as shopping or communicating with people. As detached […]

What To Expect At DUI Checkpoints This New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is arguably one of the biggest party nights of the year. Everyone is staying up late waiting to ring the New Year in with flair. All of this partying has a tendency to lead to a lot of drinking. Unfortunately, this leads to a lot of people drinking and driving. In order […]