Category Archives: Moraga Bail Bonds

The Best Way to Smoothly Get Through a Traffic Stop

The Best Way to Smoothly Get Through a Traffic Stop

Traffic stops are always a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you’re not sure why the cop is signaling for you to pull over. The good news is that there are some things you can do to make the entire process go more smoothly. Don’t Try to Run Many of us have a strange urge to try […]

What is Vishing?

What is Vishing?

You might not be familiar with the term, vishing, but the odds are pretty good you’ve encountered it. Vishing is a relatively new word that’s been attached to an old con. Vishing refers to is the act of someone leaving you an automated voice message that deals with something financial. Examples include: There’s a problem […]

What is a Corporal Injury?

What is a Corporal Injury?

Corporal injury is a term that we often hear in press releases and media stories. Most of us hear the term and assume that it means something serious happens, but when we stop and really think about it, few of us can actually say what a corporal injury really is. Corporal injuries really are as […]

What is Compounding a Crime in California?

What is Compounding a Crime in California?

You aren’t allowed to compound a crime in California. If you’re caught doing so, the legal ramifications will be severe. Compounding a crime is the act of taking something of value, such as money, for the specific purpose of hiding a crime from the police. Examples of this include taking money in exchange for hiding […]

What Happens if You Damage a Communication Device?

What Happens if You Damage a Communication Device?

California lawmakers understand how important it is for a person to call for help when they’re in danger which is why it’s illegal to damage a communication device. The good news is that the police aren’t going to knock on your door and arrest you just because you dropped your cell phone on the sidewalk […]

Gross Vehicular Manslaughter in California

Gross Vehicular Manslaughter in California

Haven’t heard of gross vehicular manslaughter before? You’re not alone. Many people don’t know that this particular California crime exists until they’ve been charged with it. Everyone knows that driving is dangerous. All it takes is one moment of inattention for a potentially fatal accident to occur. In most cases, the accident is just that. […]

Vaping in California

Vaping in California

These days you are almost more likely to see someone vaping than to spot a traditional cigarette smoker. Many of the younger generation have turned to vapes and e-cigs as opposed to traditional cigarettes. There are a few concrete reasons why vaping continues to become a more popular alternative: There is less odor connected to […]

Consequences of Shoplifting in California

Consequences of Shoplifting in California

A surprising number of people have shoplifted during their lifetime. It’s especially common with young children who will often take something from candy racks. Teenagers will also sometimes shoplift because they were dared by their friends or because they are simply looking for a way to rebel. The problem with shoplifting is that it is […]

Selling A Used Car In California

Selling A Used Car In California

At some point in our lives, most of us have been in a position of either buying a second-hand car or selling one. If you currently have a secondhand car that you’re getting ready to sell, you should know that California does have some laws that could impact the sale. It is in your best […]

Rules To Remember When Renting In California

Rules To Remember When Renting In California

If you find yourself in a position where you’re going to be renting your living space for the foreseeable future, it’s in your best interest to familiarize yourself with California’s laws regarding renting. In addition to checking out the state laws, make sure you explore the local laws since they can change from one zip […]

How To Secure An Emergency Personal Protection Order

How To Secure An Emergency Personal Protection Order

If you’re worried that someone is either stalking you or is intent on harming you, it’s in your best interest to approach the California courts and secure an emergency personal protection order (PPO). The purpose of a PPO is to have a legal method of providing you with an extra layer of protection from anyone […]

Property Crimes In California

Property Crimes In California

While the term property crimes gets tossed around by the media, in California, you aren’t going to be charged with a “property crime.” The reason for this is because, in California, the phrase property crime is actually a blanket term that’s used to describe multiple crimes. The four most common property crimes in California are: […]

What Is Sober Living In California?

What Is Sober Living In California?

When most people hear the term sober living, they assume that it refers to a person who has decided to completely abstain from alcohol and drugs. The truth is that sober living is actually a program that’s designed to help addicts start the long road to recovery. Sober living in California involves an addict moving […]

What Happens If You Do Not Show Up For Jury Duty?

What Happens If You Do Not Show Up For Jury Duty?

Our justice system depends heavily on jury duty. If you are contacted about jury duty, you’re expected to attend and uphold your civic responsibilities. First, it is important to understand that even though you have been contacted about jury duty and are expected to serve, there are some exceptions. The court will excuse you for […]