Category Archives: Pittsburg Bail Bonds

Should You Keep a Copy of Your California Arrest Record?

Should You Keep a Copy of Your California Arrest Record?

Most people would like to pretend that they were never arrested and never accused of criminal activity. They hope that if they pretend it never happened, that no one will ever learn about the incident. The understandable desire to put an arrest behind them is why few people ever stop to consider whether or not […]

Stay Safe While Taking Advantage of Internet Dating

Stay Safe While Taking Advantage of Internet Dating

The days of going to bars hoping to find that special someone are long over. Bar hopping and awkward getting-to-meet-someone scenarios have pretty much been completely replaced by internet dating sites. There are several reasons internet dating sites are so popular, including the following: They’re considerably less expensive than going to bars and ordering drinks […]

California’s Minor in Possession Law

California’s Minor in Possession Law

Teenagers like to do things that they feel make them more adult-like. They also like to experiment with things that make them feel wild and free. This combination prompts many minors to consume alcohol long before they reach their twenty-first birthday. Like most states, California has strict minor in possession laws that deal with the […]

Brake Checking in California

Brake Checking in California

“Brake check” is a term that refers to the act of someone slamming hard on their brakes while they’re driving in front of another driver, forcing the other driver to either slam on their own brakes or swerve out of the way. It’s often done because the driver of the lead vehicle feels the second […]

What Happens if You Damage a Communication Device?

What Happens if You Damage a Communication Device?

California lawmakers understand how important it is for a person to call for help when they’re in danger which is why it’s illegal to damage a communication device. The good news is that the police aren’t going to knock on your door and arrest you just because you dropped your cell phone on the sidewalk […]

Gross Vehicular Manslaughter in California

Gross Vehicular Manslaughter in California

Haven’t heard of gross vehicular manslaughter before? You’re not alone. Many people don’t know that this particular California crime exists until they’ve been charged with it. Everyone knows that driving is dangerous. All it takes is one moment of inattention for a potentially fatal accident to occur. In most cases, the accident is just that. […]

Bringing Gifts to Prison

Bringing Gifts to Prison

Just because a loved one has been sent to prison, it doesn’t mean you stop caring for them. When someone has been arrested many people feel that in addition to visits, the best way to let their loved one know that they’re still important is by sending gifts and other surprises. While it’s easy to […]

What Happens If Your Car Fails a California Inspection

What Happens If Your Car Fails a California Inspection

You aren’t allowed to own and operate any old junker on California’s public roads. The state fully expects you to keep your car in good repair and to make sure it’s not releasing any more air pollution than necessary. California can enforce this code by insisting that all registered vehicles routinely go through a vehicle […]

How To Secure An Emergency Personal Protection Order

How To Secure An Emergency Personal Protection Order

If you’re worried that someone is either stalking you or is intent on harming you, it’s in your best interest to approach the California courts and secure an emergency personal protection order (PPO). The purpose of a PPO is to have a legal method of providing you with an extra layer of protection from anyone […]

Property Crimes In California

Property Crimes In California

While the term property crimes gets tossed around by the media, in California, you aren’t going to be charged with a “property crime.” The reason for this is because, in California, the phrase property crime is actually a blanket term that’s used to describe multiple crimes. The four most common property crimes in California are: […]

Do You Know If Your Money Is Real?

Money is a pretty big part of everyone’s lives. Most people spend their weekdays working hard to earn just enough money to make it through another week. Meanwhile, a very small group of people out there tries to cheat the system and print their own money. This is called counterfeiting and even though the bills […]

California’s Archaic Vagrancy Laws

The most famous Vagrancy Laws ever created are commonly referred to as the Anti-Okie laws. These particular laws were created in an effort to prevent people who weren’t white, fairly well off, and in good physical condition from entering the state. It wasn’t until 1941 that the U.S. Supreme Court got involved and declared that […]

Life After Jail

After months and months of patiently waiting, the day has finally come – your loved one is coming home! It’s been a long time in the making and you and your family couldn’t be more excited to see their face, give them a big hug, and for their life to finally return to normal. Well, […]

How Should Firearms Be Stored?

Gun safety should be on the mind of every gun owner out there. Everyone who owns or even handles a gun should know how to use it safely. One of the important parts of owning a gun is how to store the item safely. No one wants a child to find the gun and cause […]

The Ins & Outs Of Insurance Fraud In California

Fraud is the word used when a person says something they know to be untrue for the specific reason of obtaining some sort of benefit. One of the most common form of fraud in California is insurance fraud. There are Multiple Types of Insurance Fraud The State of California has authorized prosecutors to handle cases […]

Is It Time for Last Call?

California lawmakers have recently passed a bill that if signed by Governor Jerry Brown, would allow certain cities to extend how late alcohol could be served. The bill in question is Senate Bill (SB) 905. The bill was passed at the end of August 2018, and now awaits either the Governor’s veto or signature. The […]

Pirating Movies Is A Serious Offense

We’ve all seen the FBI warning in front of movies, warning us not to pirate the film and distribute it illegally. For the most part, people ignore the warning simply because they had no intention of doing that. However, there are some people out there who ignore the warning and do that anyway. They figure […]

Know Where Your Donations Are Going

Every once in a while, we comes across something online that just tugs at our heart strings. Then we find out that we can donate some money to help out. We jump at the chance to help out, but before anyone gets too excited, they should make sure the money is actually going where it […]

Consequence Of Driving With A Suspended License

Having a driver’s license makes life considerably easier and in some parts of California, the ability to drive is a key component of survival since there’s no form of public transportation. However, there are times when the State of California can decide to suspend your license. How a Driver’s License Becomes Suspended It’s a easier […]

Think Twice Before Making A Prank Call

When you’re the person making prank calls, it is a lot of fun, but you should know that each time you make one of those calls, you’re breaking California’s Penal Code 653m PC. This code also includes prank text messages and emails. The problem with prank calls is that while you’re having a great time, […]